On Thursday morning, 06/25/2021, the Chairman and members of the OMC conducted a field visit to the company’s site in Al-Sarraj, accompanied by the company’s Head of Services Department, Mr. Walid Belgasim. The chairman and members conducted an inspection of the site and the flow of work within the site, they also visited the car workshop and the company storehouse, where they went through the equipment and materials and spare parts stored in the warehouse. The designated archive areas were also visited in addition to the health clinic.


During the visit, the Chairman of the OMC expressed his gratitude to the workers at the site, praising all the efforts they make. He also noted the importance of adhering to health and safety procedures and constantly updating and developing them within the site, and taking all necessary measures to ensure a safe work environment.

The chairman also showed his interest in the archives of the various different company departments, where he highlghted some comment regarding the current condition of the archives