On Wednesday, the 2nd of December 2020, The Staff of the newly formed Sarir oil Operations(SOO) gathered in the main office lobby for the commencement ceremony they were invited to by the Sarir Oil Chairman and the members of the Management Committee.

On the occasion the chairman of the committee, Mr. Fathi Issa,  delivered a speech in which he welcomed the employees and  introduced himself along with the other four members of the Management Committee.

In his speech, Mr. Fathi Issa expressed his genuine belief in the skills and capabilities of the team he was now  presiding,  the former Wintershall-Libya staff with the variety of expertise that they had acquired throughout the years. Acknowledging that only with a strong team could the Management Committee be able to run a successful, profitable, and prosperous company.

In a very positive tone, the chairman of the Management Committee drew an optimistic vision for the future of Sarir Oil and for the employees working for it. His promising words resonated extremely well with the audience and were received with a round of applause.


After his speech, the SOO Committee members and staff  enjoyed a selection of cakes and beverages that were served to celebrate the occasion.